

- The friction is in living. In waking up every day. And getting through another day. That's where the friction is. And to express it in art is the job of the artist. And that's what I can do. To express it on behalf of the people who can't express it or haven't the time or ability or whatever it is. That's my job. (John Lennon)

- Women are absolutely equal. They just can't lift as much. (David Lee Roth)

-It's strange. What was left of center is now the center. I guess that's why it's time for folk records again. The most punk-rock thing you could do now is make a folk record. (Rick Rubin, 1995)

- Bob freed your mind the way Elvis freed your body. (Bruce Springsteen, à propos de Bob Dylan)

- I don't think the lyrics are that important. I remenber when I was very young, I read an article by Fats Domino which has really influenced me. He said, «You should never sing the lyrics out very clearly.» (Mick Jagger)

- Great paintings shouldn't be in museums. Museums are cemeteries. Paintings should be on the walls of restaurants, in dime stores, in gas stations, in men's rooms.... It's not the bomb that has to go, man, it's the museums. (Bob Dylan)

- Achievement is for the senators and scholars. At one time I had ambitions, but I had them removed by a doctor in Buffalo. (Tom Waits)

- Writing about music is like dancing about architecture. (Elvis Costello)

- I'm afraid of intellectuals -- they bring dissention and envy and jealousy. (Elvis Presley)

- I'm still searching for an angel with a broken wing. It's not easy to find them these days. Especially when you're staying at the Plaza Hotel. (Jimmy Page)

- On my gravestone, I want it to say, «I told you I was sick.» (Tom Waits)

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Un coup de coeur Renaud-Bray pour Bob Dylan et David Lee Chose (le 2e, là).

Anne a dit...

Eye Maude, tu peux-tu venir à ma fête le 12? Je sais pas comment interpréter votre silence, à toi et Max...

Anonyme a dit...

Oooooh scuse Anne-Marie de pas avoir répondu! C'est inscrit à mon agenda depuis que j'ai eu ton email! Max aussi sera là! Est-ce qu'il y avait une heure précise? C'est toujours à l'endroit prévu?