
Deuxième de couverture, no 1 - The Corrections (Franzen)

And Ted's right on top of that, he thinks our culture attaches too much importance to feelings, he says it's out of control, it's not computers that are making everything virtual, it's mental health. Everyone's trying to correct their thoughts and improve their feelings and work on their relationships and parenting skills instead of just getting married and raising children like they used to, is what Ted says. We've bumped up to the next level of abstraction because we have too much time and money, is what he says, and he refuses to be a part of it. He wants to eat "real" food and go to "real" places and talk about "real" things like business and science. So he and I don't really agree at all anymore on what's important in life. (p. 307)

Comme une quantité de romans de la génération X, The Corrections de Franzen (en traduction chez Boréal, 2002) met en oeuvre l'écart entre deux visions du monde. De l'éclatement de la famille nucléaire à l'accoutumance en passant par Internet et le tournant linguistique, c'est bien du rapport au réel, en 2001, qu'il est question ici.

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